Karen E. Davis


Karen has been helping me with my health for over 20 years. While I've always had great results, this last experience was extra special.

I had not seen her in over a year due to Covid, bought a house, started renovations. Shortly after I started feeling dizzy all the time, with brain fog which proceeded to get worse. It got so bad I could not drive some days. I was tripping over my own feet and was walking sideways. I went to my primary care physician with no solution. I went to the ER, Neurologist, chiropractor, ENT, had an MRI, Cat Scan and had labs. Along the way I was diagnosed with vertigo. This continued 4 months. 

I discovered the contractor had left some of the plumbing uncapped, and I was breathing toxic gases. I thought of calling Karen, but I just felt too sick to go to one more person. Then, Karen reached out with a text message asking how I was. And I thought...I should probably see Karen for help.

Her muscle testing confirmed what I was feeling and through supplements and therapies, I started to get better pretty quickly. Now finally, I am back to myself. Yay! 

I can not recommend Karen enough, and I do! For a wide range of possible solutions for what ails you don't make Karen your last resort, but rather your first priority. Be open minded beyond conventional medicine. You'll be glad you did.

Cheryl S. Webster, MA (business owner)


Karen Davis is truly an exceptional practitioner and knows what she is doing. I have seen her many times over the years and specifically the last two times I’ve seen her have made a significant difference in my life. The first was when I was diagnosed with dermatitis on my face. In High School was probably the last time my skin was really clear. I was 26 when I was diagnosed with dermatitis by a dermatologist. They suggested I go on a month of antibiotics but knowing what I know about certain medications I was apprehensive. I sought the help of Karen Davis and she squeezed me in for an appointment the following week. After I saw her and she tested me, she suggested I stay away from wheat and dairy, and follow a nutritional supplement program which included using colloidal silver on the affected area. When the issue you are seeking resolution for affects your face you follow instructions. I proceeded to do everything she told me and within a week and a half my husband told me how much of a difference he noticed. I, of course, noticed it too but didn’t want to jinx myself. Within two weeks the dermatitis completely cleared up and has not returned since!

As of a month ago, I began to experience another skin issue. While I diagnosed myself as having a fungal skin issue, she thought it to be an issue known as vitiligo. After seeing her, she recommended a few nutritional changes as well as whole food supplementation. That was 3 weeks ago and I am happy to say my skin has completely cleared up. I was so worried about my skin because I was in a wedding this past weekend but it was not even an afterthought!

I cannot thank Karen enough for all she does because she truly believes in her work and she’s excellent at it. I appreciate your knowledge, Karen, and I only hope more people will understand the concept of muscle testing and let themselves experience the gift that you give!

Alyssa G. West Boylston, MA


Before I started seeing Karen Davis for Nutrition Testing, my stomach felt like I had an ulcer, or what I imagined that would feel like. I was experiencing sharp pain in my stomach. I often felt like there was something caught in my throat. I was also experiencing chest pain. I saw a doctor and had a scope procedure right in the office. He found nothing, but put me on Prilosec for a month. The medication did nothing to stop my stomach pain. I then pursued it further and ended up having an endoscopy at the hospital. Again, they found nothing.

I saw Karen Davis to see what she could find. She took my history and did her testing. Although not being really sure of what she does, (this is all new to me), I took my supplements faithfully and saw a chiropractor, as she and my brother suggested.

I now have no stomach issues at all. The chiropractor corrected a rib I had out, so I also currently have a 90% improvement in the chest pain.

I would absolutely refer others to Karen Davis. It’s hard to argue against. It worked!

Mark S. (Sole Proprietor)


I was referred to Karen Davis by a friend of mine. I was having severe pain in my stomach and gall bladder. I had bad heartburn and acid reflux. I was vomiting up the acidic contents of my stomach, nightly. I never knew what color was going to come up. I had awful headaches from it all. I didn’t know what was wrong with me.

Since Karen Davis put me on supplements to help my digestion, and gave me a meal plan to follow, taking me off several foods, everything stopped!

Stomach pain: Stopped!

Gall bladder pain: Stopped!

Heartburn: Stopped!

Acid reflux: Stopped!

Headaches: Stopped!

I lost 8-10 lbs. on this plan. I eat right, take my supplements. I would and have referred others to Karen Davis for her testing. I tell people about this all the time!

David B. (Driver)








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